Construction Communication, Execution and Automation | Bindy


Modular and configurable platform to build and customize your teams and workflows.

You are in charge

No waiting on us. Deploy instantly.

  1. Build your own forms

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    Create forms and checklists for all your field programs. Import current forms from Excel.

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    As many forms as you need. Each with its own effective date, expiry date, communication settings, viewing permissions and restrictions.

  2. Manage your own sites

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    Create sites and users online or offline and import in bulk.

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    Built-in field hierarchy lets you control visibility and sign-off permissions.

  1. Create your own workflows

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    Control who can start inspections, who can view them, who gets notifications, who signs-off.

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    Choose whether corrective actions are needed and when they can be assigned.

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    Control whether signatures, photos or videos are required.

  2. One-day setup

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    Create an account, upload sites and users, create forms in less than one day.

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    Need a little help? An onboarding specialist will get you up-and-running and suggest best practices for program rollout.

Brand standards

On time, in full, at every site